Digital Amps vs Solid State Amps

Has any one compared a fully broken in, quality digital (class D) amp to a solid state (class A) amp. We have a Levinson 333.5. Other than light weight, less electrical draw, and cooler operation, will Class D amps out-perform Amps similar to to the 333.5? We are driving Thiel 3.6's.

Frequency extension, depth, holographics, bass control, treble control, slam, dynamics, staging, detail, mids, etc are it.
Bill, any you would put up against an XA.5, where size and heat (possibly $$$) are not an issue?
Is this thread a troll? He asks if anyone has compared, suggesting he is genuniely looking for input. Then, after only three replies, he asserts, "I believe the digital amp technolody has a ways to go. Linn started the idea in the mid 90's. Perhaps in 5 to 10 more years of product developement all the questtions of power supplies and perhaps hybrid designs will emerge." Fooey.

I like many different amps from SETs to SS behemoth ala Burmester referance range;but i have not found a class D amp that I like,as much as i tried to.There is something strange about them,they sound quite impressive on short demo but I actually couldn't tolerate most once the 15 minutes marked has been reached.At the moment I feel that class D amp is a compromised design,it is almost like the MP3 playback,popular,yes ,but not good enought.

I currently own a FM acoustics combo in my ref system, Bryston amps in my av system and a brilliant Little known French intergrated amp Call Neodio in my library system.

I might not have audiotioned as many class D amp as Audiofeil but i think i have sampled enought of the usual suspects to be able to have an opinion about them as a group;Spectron amps seems to be the leader of the class D pack IMO
Levchappy - I think the new Wyred 4 Sound 1000 watt per channel amps would give your old Levinson some real competition.