Digital Amps vs Solid State Amps

Has any one compared a fully broken in, quality digital (class D) amp to a solid state (class A) amp. We have a Levinson 333.5. Other than light weight, less electrical draw, and cooler operation, will Class D amps out-perform Amps similar to to the 333.5? We are driving Thiel 3.6's.

Frequency extension, depth, holographics, bass control, treble control, slam, dynamics, staging, detail, mids, etc are it.
Levchappy - I think the new Wyred 4 Sound 1000 watt per channel amps would give your old Levinson some real competition.
I don't think fafafion's opinions are "informed". To me informed connotes a fair amount of experience with a number of different manufacturers and/or products.

In fact they are based on a very limited number of Class D amplifiers.

Nonetheless he is entitled to his opinions based on a relatively small number of products.
"I believe the digital amp technolody has a ways to go. Linn started the idea in the mid 90's "

Hello Levchappy,

The idea of switching i.e. Pulse Width Modulation, PWD power amplifiers started at about the same time as FM radio

The first commercial hi-fidelity switching amplifier was demonstarted by John Ulrick, cou-founder of Infinity Speakers, in 1974 CES Chicago. Today he is the President of Spectron Audio.

In order to judge audio compenent you really must audition it within your system and may be for some time.

In that regard, Spectron and surely some others have 30-days money back guarantee policy.

Rest is up to you.
Good Luck
Not exactly. FM was proposed first by Edwin Howard Armstrong in 1935 paper: "A Method of Reducing Disturbances in Radio Signaling by a System of Frequency Modulation"

Class D amplifier was proposed first by P.J Baxandal in 1959.

First commercial class D amplifier was designed by Gordon Edge and manufactured by Clive Sinclair in 1964 under name X-10.

It was Hi-Fi amp - it says so on the box (LOL)