Trade- off, power SS vs tube magic.

As everyone knows, tubes are expensive. Can a higher power SS substitute for this "subjective" magic. One reviewer said he made the transition and did not miss the tubes. What do you say? Let's try to keep the speaker variable out of this.
Mlsstl, you may have given me "my" right answer. An amp for 5K puts out 250wpc. With a tube amp it's not a matter of getting 250 wpc, but how many WPC can I get for 5K. Of course both amps must deliver the sound quality that we demand.
Well I was going to post, but shall decline due to my moronic tendency to point out the obvious.

Enjoy your search for amplifier nirvana.
Am I to ass-u-me the speaker will work equally as well with tubes or solid state? Is the primary concern the amount of power or sound quality?
There's no such thing as magic, tube or otherwise. And you can't keep the speaker out of the amplifier equation.
I have never heard SS sound like tubes, not even several Pass amps said to be the closest thing. The speaker variable you choose to leave out of equation makes it impossible to answer, though you may not like that answer, some speakers will work better with SS, magic or not, and will make some great tube amps sound terrible, tube amps need smooth speaker impedance and the higher the better, if you don't have that, and SS amp is likely to be preferable.