Trade- off, power SS vs tube magic.

As everyone knows, tubes are expensive. Can a higher power SS substitute for this "subjective" magic. One reviewer said he made the transition and did not miss the tubes. What do you say? Let's try to keep the speaker variable out of this.
I'm with you Bojack, it's just that not everyone appreciates my sense of humor.
To answer your question and in my opinion, NO. There are plenty of variabls as already stated about plus your own preerences. That being said, there are ways to modify both to make them better but I have never heard a SS amp do what a tube amp can do in the right system. Same goes for a tube amp. Trade offs can be limited but then it comes down to person taste.
>>08-18-10: Orpheus10
it's just that not everyone appreciates my sense of humor<<

Not true at all.

I find you an extremely comedic character.
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