Current production "budget" warm/dark SS amp?

Are there any class A/B solid state amps that are currently in production (or only recently went out of production) that are known for having a warm/dark sound that can be bought used for under about $1500? I used to own a B&K 4420, which I liked quite a bit for its warm/dark sound signature before it died on me. That amp retailed for around $1,100 new but went out of production over a decade ago, I think. The other amp I am thinking of is the Audio Research 100.2, which also went out of production years ago and was known for its "musicality". Are there recent- or current-production solid state amps that are similar to those amps but are NOT Class D, don't cost a fortune, and are not 90+ lb. behemoths?
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Out of production, Conrad Johnson MF2250 would be my first choice. The "A" version will be a little more expensive, but still under $1500.00, and are easy to find. The MF2250 also has two bigger brothers for consideration.
The ARC is one fine amp.. they' usually list for 1600-1900, but don't come around very often. Both retain their value well, plus you'll always get good support from both companies.