Summertime ss amp Question

My wife has finally decided that the superb Atma-Sphere MA-2 is too hot for summer and she cant listen to it without getting an ice bath in the room. But one doesnt part with a Gem of this magnitude, so I will buy an SS amp for summer only.
Need at least 150 WPC into 4 ohms (SP Tech Revs III sens 88 db), XLR inputs,(preamp Atma-sphere MP-1) fit into 17 X 8 X 19 inch space in Stereo closet and run cool, budget under $2K used. Looking at Innersound esl-300, Cary CAD-200 currently on A'gon. Suggestions, please. Thanks.
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Elizabeth, I have enough trouble edging my 6 foot SP Techs further and further from the wall whenever she's out without having a hood and duct to totally freak her out! Get real:) The MA-2s already occupy a coffin-like enclosure along an entire wall. No, a neat little ss box locked in the cupboard with the pre-amps, CDP and tuner is the ticket here. Unfortunately.
Wow those look hot. Do you get any ball rash mid summer?

Why not look at Luxman 800 or Esoteric A-03. These will at least compare to what you have even though they are above your range.
Check out McIntosh's MC7100 power amp, 100 wpc @ 8 ohms, 150 wpc @ 4 ohms, THD @ .005 maximum. I have one, and it runs so cool and would be perfect for your needs. AND it's a great sounding amp. The later models like mine, have balanced/unbalanced inputs, to boot! No meters, or autoformers. Currently they can be had for about $700 or less.