Anyone compared BAT Rex vs. Atmasphere MP-1?

Obviously, there is a big price difference between the two(not as big used). But, these two are likely to be in the top of the true balanced, fully differential, reference preamps available.

I'm mostly interested in the sonic differences anyone would have noticed switching between the two in their own system.
Aaah, I get what you are saying now, thanks for the tip. Luckily, everything that I am considering is 100k and up.
Sonic attributes of the Rex include:

Very dynamic, clean, energetic.
Highlights midrange texture and harmonies.
Bass is excellent.
Treble is open and extended.
Noise is very low.
Very powerful sound.
Switch between 6C45 and 6H30 provides two flavors.
Build quality is at the top.

Those looking for warmth and forgiveness should look elsewhere. This will dig deeper into the music. I have no clue why people say BAT is 'dark'. I would never charactarize this preamp as dark.

Adding NOS 6H30DRs will up the excitement factor (2 out of 8 in the power module is enough for me).

I think the Joule LA450 and the Audio Reference Anniversary Preamp could be intriguing alternatives, but I have not made a comparison and am not particularly concerned to do so at this time.

I am not familiar with MP-1 except its excellent reputation. I am familiar with REX and its the best (along with my current Joule-Electra LA-300ME) preamp I ever auditioned or used.

When I heard REX first time (using my reference tracks) my jaws literally dropped to the floor. Word "magnificent" is understatement.

Regarding the long cables - its the best if you call Victor. In this situation,I would not care at all if preamp balanced or not but if it has a buffer driver. Victor is perfect man to address your specific concerns, He is extraordinary nice person (well may be not in all his writing... ;--) ;--) He will help you and advise you. You meet daily at "Outside" and Victor will do everything he can to help you in any way possible.

Good Luck !
Rtml, thank you for the great description. I find myself leaning towards a more rich(not overly-ripe, though) and powerful sound. I had considered ARC, but since I will be buying used, I didn't want to deal with trying to decide between the Ref 2, 3, 4, or 5 to find where the "sweet spot" for price versus performance was.

Simontju, I will ask Victor. He is always great with technical advice - whether about his products or just engineering in general.
Hello Darkmoebius,

Just wanted to take the opportunity and give a plug for the BAT Rex. I don't think you'll find a preamp that dives deeper into the texture of sound as the BAT Rex. That's what I consider detail!

At the same time it does it with such a sense of authority and grace, never blinking an eye, a feeling of ease to the sound that invites one to listen in to the music. For me it is such a pleasure to own and I wish you luck finding a pre that you'll feel the same about.
