Decware - any substance here?

With such a nice and extensively detailed website, I've long been curious about Decware. But with little in the way of genuine reviews, and not much in the way of discussion here, I always wonder if they are nothing more than that, a great website. They clearly have a dedicated fanbase, but my problem with the fanbase is this: most of them (not all of course) seem to have limited experience with products besides Decware, as if they stumbled upon Decware and never bothered with other brands. Maybe this is positive, that once experienced they don't have the typical audiophile itch to try other amps. I'm specifically struck by the new Torii MKIII push-pull amp, which in description and looks is just beautiful. So does it interest anyone here? Has anyone actually heard it, or it's previous incarnations? If so how does it rate amongst the other quality tube amps, whether Blue Circle, Cary, Vac, Almarro, Atma-Sphere, etc...?
I'm using the Torii 3 to drive a pair of Zu Soul Superfly speakers and it is an outstanding amplifier. Top to bottom control over my drivers I have not experienced previously. DEEP POWERFUL BASS, exceptional dynamics, really great texture and tone and some of the most harmonically developed sound I've heard.

This is a reference level amp and I consider myself difficult to please. Immediately before the Torii I was using a Shindo preamplifier with 845 SET monoblocks and the Torii (naked) does most things as well, some things better!
I just replaced the stock fuse with a HiFi tuning Supreme and the results are good.

If you like to tube roll , don't forget to roll the fuse also.

If you are a Re-fusenik,you'll miss the next level of performance the DecWare amps are capable of.
Question: How much heat does the Zen Tori throw off. I went from a large class A tube rig to Class D to cut down on the heat, but I miss the tube presence.

A lot hotter than a Class D amp, yet cooler than a large Class A tube amp. It is only a 25 watt amp, how many watts was your large Class A tube amp? That should give you some sense of proportion, but all Class A amps will give more heat per watt than a Class A/B or D amp.