Herron VTPH-2

I've read the reviews and searched the archives but thought I'd reach out to the "community" for any additional input on this phono preamp. It would replace a Whest PS.30 in my system. I'd like to try tubes as long as it is quiet and neutral. Thoughts?
You know, I have never had matched gear but from what I hear it is wise to use matching components. I would have looked into the Modwright preamps, but they don't have input select on the remote which is important to me. I already have my next amp selected. I am getting Aspen's flagship amp, the Maya. It just went into production and should be ready mid December. I'm buying without hearing, but I get to try it in my system and my money back if I don't like it except shipping.
You might want to check out the new Modwright LS100 which I believe has input seleet on the remote. From what I've read this is a very nice and competitively priced linestage that can be ordered with a built in phonostage. Of course, if you have the Maya coming then then that may not be the way to go. In any case, best of luck with whatever direction you go.
Well, I already ordered the Maya not to long ago. The amp hasn't hit the market yet. About another month to go. The impedance match between the Modwright and the Herron may be holding things back a little.
Just to chime in late in the game here....I had a Herron VTPH-1 MC+ and compared it to a new Fosgate Signature Phono Preamp. The Fosgate had great extension on high and lows, but for my low output MC the VTPH-1 had a more lively energetic presence and wider soundstage. Fosgate had a deeper soundstage. Biggest difference (again I was running Fosgate full on for low output MC) was the Herron was completely silent....zero tube rush. I was so impressed with the Herron that I just bought the VTPH-2. And some of the Herron interconnects (which in a blind study in my system beat out my long-term choice of Cardas Neutral Reference on a couple of dimensions). And, like others have quoted Keith Herron is a true engineer and gentleman, who is patient and committed to delivering the best and most natural sounding products. There are a handful of companies with founders in the US who have the real deal at the helm. Herron is one of them.
Podeschi, Good to hear on the VTPH 2 phono. Any chance you may be looking at Keith's preamp for your system as well?