Herron VTPH-2

I've read the reviews and searched the archives but thought I'd reach out to the "community" for any additional input on this phono preamp. It would replace a Whest PS.30 in my system. I'd like to try tubes as long as it is quiet and neutral. Thoughts?
Oh, I have heard the original i5 back in 2003 (i think)and thought it was really good. From what I hear from others is the i5.3se is a lot better than the i5 so it looks like you are in a good shape.
Thanks! I spent some time this year assembling my 2 channel systems -- with the centerpiece being getting back into vinyl after 20+ years .... I was hoping I could go all digital but when comparing digital versus vinyl at my brother's (maggie 20.1 + ARC amps etc) via Ayre dac and/or flagship Audio Research cd player versus Linn LP12, the analogue won 8 out of 10 times. On my more humble system, differences are not as pronounced, and my Perfect Wave dac + bridge are pretty close to analogue but not quite the full distance. There is something organic and right I get with vinyl that is missing with digital, but the PS Audio setup is best I've heard anywhere.
A clarification on the ModWright. I had an impedance mismatch with the Herron that was holding back the performance on the amp. The ModWright Treble extension is fine with the right match it is indeed a great performer. My choice is to go with another amp or sell the Herron in favor a different preamp. I chose to keep the Herron and get another amp (Aspen Maya). The Herron is just to good to give up.

I could not figure out how to send you a PM on this god forsaken new Audiogon interface. As I am now using the Herron VTSP-3A with a Modwright KWA150SE I would be interested in hearing more about the impedance mismatch you experienced. If you know how to PM, please send me one. If not, a comment here would be appreciated.
