Top 5 Entry-level audiophile speakers $1500-2000?

Newbie looking to get some decent stereo speakers less than 2k. Prefer recommendations for speakers that are available to audition locally in DC area. Initially would be stereo, w/ upgrade to 5.1 at later date. First priority is music, then movies.

Have in mind: paradigm studio 60, 100, b+w, dynaudio, Dali brands, etc. Prefer something not too harsh on the ears. Need to sound good at low to medium volumes. I have a smallish room and do not tolerate extremely loud playing. Anyone could please shed some light on the best quality speakers in this price range I should look at. I would appreciate it, as I am very confused with the ammount of choice. Would be paring it with SACD player in the future.

Check out Deja Vu Audio in Mclean, VA. They carry Spendor, Quad, Proac, and Audio Note speakers, all have models under $2K. They also have great tubed gear and other stuff, particularly analog. Vu is a really great guy with amazing ears, I'm just a very happy customer. Good luck and happy listening!
Do you have a preference for stand mounted or floor standing? Is that price for new or used?
At that price new, you would have to look at Vandersteen 2CE Sigs, I would think, for a floor stander. For a monitor, Sequerra Met 7s.
x2 on Deja Vu Audio in Mclean. Great guy to deal with. Give him a a call, take some music with you and enjoy. You don't just want speakers, you want a relationship with a good dealer.
Even though I'm a BIG fan & loyal owner of Dynaudio speakers, low volume listening is not their strong suit. I'd recommend looking for some high efficiency speakers that can easily be driven by a moderately powered tube integrated amp.

Jond's advice is probably sound... Spendor, Proac & Audio Note are all very well respected speaker manufacturers... throw Harbeth into that list as well.

Note: You will be able to get much more bang for your buck if you can find what you want used on Audiogon... get a $3 or $4K speaker for less than $2K.