Tube amp, more low end

I've just taken my first step into tubes, with a TAD-60. My speakers are Gallo 3.1's. I really like this amp! I can't believe how "real" the music sounds. It really is amazing. The one thing that I do feel is lacking however, is low end "slam", as well as control. I know generally speaking, this is a characteristic of tubes. But I'm wondering I there's an affordable tube amp ($1500-$2000), that will offer the magic of the TAD, but with some more low end control?

Also, the TAD is currently running el34's. Would switching to kt88's make much of a difference? If I need to spend $300 or $400 on better tubes, I'd just as soon upgrade the amp.

Allot of guitar amps, like Marshall, use EL34s, so their ability to rock should be of little question.
Producing the sound of one electric guitar, takes much less juice than reproducing the sound of a band/orchestra, and all it's bottom end.
Just to update what I'm doing. I just bought a Gallo sub amp, so I'll give that a try and see what I think. If I can get the low end that I've heard out of these speakers with my ss amp and the realism that I'm getting with the TAD 60, I will be a happy guy.
Good move.

I think this will give you the right amplification combo for best results overall!
I think you made the right move.
Be patient my friends a top engineer and he took weeks to get his dialed in,and it sounds amazing.