What amp/pre-amp would you buy for $12-15k?

My Krell 300KAV-iL died. It used to sit between a Rotel CD w/ XLR outputs and B&W 802 Nautilus loudspeakers. Also use a Denon ipod dock.

The Krell worked well for 9 years, but I want to upgrade-keeping the Rotel and B&W's. Budget is $12-15k for the amp/pre-amp and interconnects. I may add a DAC, music server, and turntable down the road.

I like the idea of a tubular system - at least for the pre-amp. I hate to "waste" the XLR capability, but will not eliminate a pre-amp just because it doesn't have it.

We listen to everything-blues, acoustic rock, opera, etc. The room is big and wide open, so the B&W's have a lot of space to fill with sound. I'm going to RMAF-anything I must see? Any other recommendations? Thanks!
I tried tubed electronics with 802's but they couldn't get
along.So I think being you have used a Krell for nine years you may want to stay Solid State.
I cant recommend anything SS because I'm a tube guy but I'm sure others will have excellent suggestions.
As Metralla mentioned a 12K combo deserves a more refined CDP.
If you are intent in keeping the Rotel,a DAC should be used with it.
Best of luck.
For the upper end of your budget you could snag some Pass XA-100.5 monoblocs, Aesthetix Calypso pre-amp to and either the Ayre C-5xe or previously mentioned Marantz SA-7s1 CD players.

If you're contemplating valves, I would place Atma-Sphere, BAT, and VAC on your short list and purchse pre-owned :-)

I have B&W 802 and, as I am sure you know, to see their full potential you need very powerful amplifier. After many, many combination I am immensely happy with Joule-Electra preamp and Spectron amplifler.

Keep your current CD Player and later on go to Dedicated Music Server (or your general computer) & Stand Alone DAC combination - also depending on the budget you can achieve extraordinary performance. Don;t invest a penny in new CD Player - its dead end. There are more and more hi-rez music avaialble and CD Player is useless here.