Extraordinary recordings on vinyl

You've most likely heard or read of MF's +10 (on his 1-10) scale of rating music, both sonically and for content...

What are your favorite recordings (on vinyl) that tip the scale over 10?

Here's my first one... Steve Phillips "Steel-Rail Blues"

This lp is pure as the driven snow, not an unpure note to be found.
AC/DC "74 Jailbreak" (from the 12 or so lp box set several years ago. Blows AWAY the RO lp!

Is someone else going to "man-up" and join in?
Qdrone: IMO, by your own standards, at least 50% of my collection will meet your criteria for Extraordinary Recordings On Vinyl.

Tell us all, after you've answered the questions above, how you still make your case?
.. by the way... All of this was instigated by you. Yet, you've not provided us with your ET configuration, pictures of your setup., etc...

Then, you have slickly changed the subject to other things, as noted above, So, Qdrone, when are YOU going to become the one we should look to for guidance on these issues? I say, the time is right now. I think your next post should be, at the very least, your current system configuration, regarding your ET, (which ET you have, plus your history with that ET configuration)... then and only then, will we try to accept your "history" regarding that arm!
The "Bill Clinton" defense: doesn't really work anymore.

"I DID NOT HAVE "audio-sex" with that TT!"