NAD C375Bee or Yamaha A-S2000

I'm looking for good sounding powerful amp to drive my classic Theil CS2 and Klipsh Heresy's. I can get either of these amps around $1300 even thought the Yamaha sells for $1900. Which would be better? Any other integrated amps I should consider around $1200?
Comparing within the Yamaha quality,I have compared the 2000 versus the 1000 in both integrateds and cd players.

I came to the conclusion that the A S-2000 has more refined sonics and is more resolving than the S-1000 (still a nice amp!). The gap is wide enough to warrant the price difference.

As far as cd players go, I could not detect a trace of difference between the CD-S1000 and the CD-S2000, except for the XLR outputs for the 2000. As far as sound quality goes, they sounded identical.
Just came across this thread from a number of years ago, but it's the same question that I'm pondering. I have the NAD c375BEE, and it's quite an impressive integrated for the price. Once I added a pair of good interconnects between the pre-out and main-in (instead of the stock metal jumpers) it really jumped in sound quality. The dynamic power of this amp is amazing - apparently it can drive 500-600 watts into 2ohms for short bursts.

However, I am looking for something a bit more refined and smoother/more delicate at the top end. I have tried several well regarded amps (Exposure 2010s2, Hegel H80, Arcam A38), but the lack of dynamic punch really made them sound distant and flat compared to the NAD. I'm afraid that the Yamaha will give a similar result. I'm using Golden Ear Triton 7 speakers (89db, 3.7ohm minimum), so they shouldn't be terrible difficult to drive. Perhaps the NAD is just in a different class with respect to dynamics with the Power Drive technology they use. Or maybe I'm just a high-power SS guy and didn't know it. Perhaps I should be looking at Krell not Yamaha, lol.

I'd appreciate any thoughts.


I own and have owned NAD amps, receivers, integrateds but have not owned the 375. They all have driven my Klipsch Heresys, fortes, Quartets, and RF-63's very well. I presently own the Yamaha A-S1000 integrated and could not be more pleased how it drives my Klipsch RB-75 "bookshelf" speakers. Dynamics are free wheeling, soundstage is wide and deep, very punchy and detailed. Now you are talking about the A-S2000 which is the slightly bigger brother Yamaha. I can't say for sure that the Yamaha integrateds(1000 or 2000) will have the dynamics of the NAD 375, but they are the most powerful sounding 90w/ch amps I have ever had the pleasure to own or even listen to.

I loved the NAD C375BEE in my system with Dynaudio fronts, particularly with rock and jazz. That amp punches way above it's weight class. I sold it for a Musical Fidelity A5, and its the biggest mistake in audio that I've made.

If your musical tastes range more towards classical, small ensemble, vocals, then another vote for Naim. You may even be able to squeeze a Naim XS integrated into your budget with just a couple more $100s.