shindo aurieges output impedance and other preamps

Hi everyone

I consider the Shindo Aurieges pre (with my Pass 250 amp). what should I expext from the high output impedance of the shindo (5kohm) with the 22kohm input impedance of the Pass. Is this a match that will probably fail ?


I also consider as pre's:

joule electra la-150
aesthetix calypso
first sound presence
supratek chardonnay

any input ?

thanks to all
The lower priced Shindo preamps as Aurieges and (at least older) Monbrison have 5k Ohm output, the Masseto, Vosne Romanee have 600 Ohm outputs.

What should be the optimal input impedance of the amp for a 5k Ohm preamp output? At least 10 times as much, so at least 50 kOhm, as often recommended?
What should be the optimal input impedance of the amp for a 5k Ohm preamp output? At least 10 times as much, so at least 50 kOhm, as often recommended?
Yes, if the preamp output impedance is truly 5K. However, as indicated in the post I linked to above, it may actually be much lower.

Best regards,
-- Al