Class D vs Class A Education

Can anyone some it up in a nut shell if possible what the difference in design and output are of class D vs class A power?

Thank You!
I just sold my Spectron Musician III Mk 2 amp (Class D) and bought a used Pass XA30.5 (Class A).

These two are the best I've had in my system, and I've had a few high-end amps before these (Krell, Karan and Burmester).

If you're leaning towards a Class D amp because of the power and efficiency, I'd readily recommend trying the Spectron.

Thank goodness. It's been a whole 40 minutes since someone started a class D thread. I was getting worried.
So, class A is the best, other things being equal. To hell with those ecologically sound Ds - I will get A; unless, perhaps, it's Rowland.
"- I will get A; unless, perhaps, it's Rowland. "

I am offended. What's wrong with Mark Levinson flagship class D amps (No 53) ?

I also heard the rumor that Smith & Wesson are coming with "ecologically sound" solution
