Class D vs Class A Education

Can anyone some it up in a nut shell if possible what the difference in design and output are of class D vs class A power?

Thank You!
This statement is a little general, but applies to many - not all. Disclaimer is that I am a dealer, and ahve sold both class A, AB and D designs over the years, but I no longer sell any class D amplifiers.

To my ears, class A or a strongly A biased class AB amplifier exhibits a more emotional involving sound.

In my reference room I have changed amplifiers from a class D design to an AB with a strong A bias, and WITH ALL OTHER COMPONENTS REMAINING THE SAME, the speakers were much more musical sounding, bass was deeper and more pronounced and the system was generally more enjoyable to listen to.

The class AB amplifer was slightly higher in price, $6000 for the class D monoblocks, versus $8000 at the time for the class AB amplifier, but both are very highly reviewed and well liked brands.
I just sold my Spectron Musician III Mk 2 amp (Class D) and bought a used Pass XA30.5 (Class A).

These two are the best I've had in my system, and I've had a few high-end amps before these (Krell, Karan and Burmester).

If you're leaning towards a Class D amp because of the power and efficiency, I'd readily recommend trying the Spectron.

Thank goodness. It's been a whole 40 minutes since someone started a class D thread. I was getting worried.
So, class A is the best, other things being equal. To hell with those ecologically sound Ds - I will get A; unless, perhaps, it's Rowland.