Class D vs Class A Education

Can anyone some it up in a nut shell if possible what the difference in design and output are of class D vs class A power?

Thank You!
Thank goodness. It's been a whole 40 minutes since someone started a class D thread. I was getting worried.
So, class A is the best, other things being equal. To hell with those ecologically sound Ds - I will get A; unless, perhaps, it's Rowland.
"- I will get A; unless, perhaps, it's Rowland. "

I am offended. What's wrong with Mark Levinson flagship class D amps (No 53) ?

I also heard the rumor that Smith & Wesson are coming with "ecologically sound" solution

I have auditioned a few power amps over the last two months looking for the best sound that I can coax out of my Grand Veena speakers.

Here's the list--Bell tubed integrated(1961)..Mac 275 V,
Atma Sphere S30 OTL, Grant Lumley 40 watt EL 34, Art Audio Carissa SET 845, Pass Aleph 3 .

None of the amps outperformed my Red Dragon amps on my speakers.

Comparing the Pass class A amp directly to my D amps--- the Pass had a liitle more control and perhaps bass slam than my current amps, but was a bit more rough around the edges,and didn't have the smoothness on transients and lacked some dimension on cymbals,Perhpas this is a power factor, but my speakers are quite efficient.

In my system,the D amps still are the ones to beat,at least in the price range that I feel comfortable with.

Each amp had it's strengths and weaknesses, I could have lived with any of them if I didn't have the amps I have now.

I just find the sound of my amps seem to have found the right associated gear and sound more balanced, all rounded, than any of the others did.

I should add that I use a tube pre amp(Audio Valve Eclipse)for all my evaluations.
Perhaps my results would be different if I were using a solid state pre.

Not knowing what gear was used at the former D amp dealer ,I am at a loss why he feels D amps are inferior to clas A amps or any other type of amplification.

I pretty much ran the gamut and for the life of me, I couldn't find any amp(cheaper or more expensive)that bettered what I use.

I've had them for about 2 years,(usually the age when I get the urge to look for a "change"for the better)and not for lack of trying, they are staying put.

I know I don't have much D amp experience ,but I've owned a lot of fine amplifiers over the years,and to my ears, the D amps I won have none of the sonic faults that I read so often about.

I can't help but wonder if my amps are really that much better than any other D amps,or if most D amps just aren't as good as mine?