Best Pre/Amp or Integrated for Zu Essence

I am in the midst of upgrading my system. Current gear features Rega Saturn cd, Regar Elicit integrated with mc phono stage, and Pro-Ject Debut III turntable with Ortofon Salsa mc cartridge (just getting started in vinyl), Zu Libtec speaker cables, Zu Gede interconnects, and Zu Mother and Zu Bok power cords.

I just traded my WLM La Scala monitors for the Zu Essence floorstanders. Love the added dynamics and bass extension from the Zu's. I'm happy with them. I also like the La Scala's but appreciate the extra dose of vividness from the Zu's.

I am now looking to optimize my amplification. The Rega gear sounds pretty great with the Zu's, but I have been informed that tubes may have more synergy with the Essence's.

I am considering the following:
Audio Electronics AE3-DJH paired with Six-Pacs monoblocks,
Quad QC-24 paired with Quad II-Forty's monoblocks,
Cary 300SEI,
Primaluna Prologue 2,
Primaluna Prologue 3 paired with Prologue 7's

Any other thoughts? Budget is $4500. Since this is my first venture into tubes, I would like to stick with something that I can get on dealer demo or new.

I listen to a variety of music from small-scale classical to jazz to indie to electronica.

I am not as concerned with accuracy as much as I am with the "in-the-room" experience.


If you can get the AES as demos or new go for it. Then roll the AE-3's 6SN7s to 1940s-50s Sylvania GTs you can get them installed if you get the pre from Upscale. You might want to mix and match using the Primaluna monoblocks for the power amps instead of the 6 packs. Your budget should cover this combination.
ARC is very transparent and can give you that in the room experience with the right cables, etc. I can't say that I would personally go with an ARC/ZU combination because both have a very extended top end. Maybe too much of a good thing IMO??

I found the ribbon of the Essence bright with a VAC tube amp so for me, I would look for something rolled off and give up a little of the top end characteristics, but it seems we have different priorities. Also found a Luxman with EL84's (great little 8 watt amp)bright with the Zu's.

Throw a Mastersound 300B amp on your radar too. It would have to be used but I wouldn't worry too much about that.
Bjesien, thanks for the info. Very helpful. Based on the feedback so far, I am leaning toward either the Cary 300SEI, the Audio Electronics gear, or the Quad gear. I am familiar with the Quad house sound, but haven't heard these units in particular. Sounds like the Audio Electronic gear wouldn't be that bad either since it uses EL-34 tubes, and I guess it doesn't get much more buttery than the 300 SEI.

I am a little concerned about a 300SEI as I have heard they can sound a little "slow". I've heard that the Quad gear is particularly great in the midrange with a decent foundation. My understanding is the the Audio Electronics gear has a very "meat-on-the-bones" presentation-- lots of weight.

I am most concerned about dynamics-- the snap of a snare or the leading edge of a trumpet, for example. I don't want an amp that is too soft in this regard.

I have also found the Essence to be a little bright in the range of the supertweeter. Too extended with inexpensive solid-state gear. Not that bad with the Elicit, but definitely fatiguing with my Cambridge 340A that is in place while the phono card is being checked in the Elicit. Using the tone controls on the Cambridge unit works well to deal with it. Also, toeing out the speakers helps as well. I pretty much have the speaker placement figured out.

- threat 1st reflections on your side wall with acoustic threatment. Wall directly behind the speakers could possibly use some acoustic treatment as well. In your case, absorbtion should work better then diffusion to help with high freq. It doesn't have to be necessarily a professional product. Common household item works and can be used as substitution for pro grade treatments.
- use copper wire for speaker hook up and interconnect.
- do not aim tweeters directly at your listening position.
- amps that are reported to work with Zu speakers are listed on their website. But you can also look at these:
Solid state - Nelson Pass, Dayens Ampino integrated amp, RWA, Modwright.
Tube - Atmasphere, Melody and others.

I personally will use custom 300b PSE monos but Cary you mentioned should be a fine choice as well. Also check out 300b Audiospace integrated or Manley Labs.