Best Pre/Amp or Integrated for Zu Essence

I am in the midst of upgrading my system. Current gear features Rega Saturn cd, Regar Elicit integrated with mc phono stage, and Pro-Ject Debut III turntable with Ortofon Salsa mc cartridge (just getting started in vinyl), Zu Libtec speaker cables, Zu Gede interconnects, and Zu Mother and Zu Bok power cords.

I just traded my WLM La Scala monitors for the Zu Essence floorstanders. Love the added dynamics and bass extension from the Zu's. I'm happy with them. I also like the La Scala's but appreciate the extra dose of vividness from the Zu's.

I am now looking to optimize my amplification. The Rega gear sounds pretty great with the Zu's, but I have been informed that tubes may have more synergy with the Essence's.

I am considering the following:
Audio Electronics AE3-DJH paired with Six-Pacs monoblocks,
Quad QC-24 paired with Quad II-Forty's monoblocks,
Cary 300SEI,
Primaluna Prologue 2,
Primaluna Prologue 3 paired with Prologue 7's

Any other thoughts? Budget is $4500. Since this is my first venture into tubes, I would like to stick with something that I can get on dealer demo or new.

I listen to a variety of music from small-scale classical to jazz to indie to electronica.

I am not as concerned with accuracy as much as I am with the "in-the-room" experience.


Is the Melody 211 SET really that much better than the often praised Decware Torii? That`s interesting.
This is the list I received from Zu. Not much in the $1000-$2000 price range. Any other suggestion please?

* Audion Black Night 845
* Allnic A-6000 (with 16 ohm transformer)
* Allnic T-1500
* Art Audio PX-25 (with 16 ohm transformer)
* Bryston LP2
* Denon PMA2000R Mk4
* Dynaco ST-70
* Leben CS-300
* Luxman SQ-38u
* Manley Mahi/Mahi
* MastersounD 845
* McIntoch MA6600
* Melody I-2A3
* Melody M-300B (with W.E. tubes)
* Panasonic XR-25
* Peachtree Nova
* Yamamoto A-08S (with 16 ohm transformer)
* Virtue Audio, with tube buffer
Yes, the an211 is much, much better then the Torii. To be honest, I also preferred the entry level Melody MK88 to my Torii 3.

The Torii was nice, especially paired with a good active preamp (tough to get this right) but as with many things in this hobby, the hype gets a little out of hand.
The last one on the list, the Virtue Audio with buffer is quite good. One shows up every week or two on the Audiocircle website. I heard one with my essence a few years back and it was great. The Decware Mini Torii was quite nice with the Omen Defs I had last year. Those three along with the Melody 2A3 are your best bets in your price range.