Amp for Duevel Bella Luna

Currently running a Bel Canto Pre2P/ Evo2 Gen II combo and am looking to upgrade the amplifier section although I like what I hear! I do not need lots of power (30-50wpc) and would like advice on the solid state side (I know where to go for tubes). Budget up to $2500 used. One consideration is Lavardin, any other?

Check with Ted at Thor . ( owner of Thor Audio ) ..he has been mating Thor TPA 30's (tube mono's) for years with the Deuvels..They mate extremely well..Heard then many times myself and he just returned from the RMAF with great reviews for Thor and Duevles......
Go SET. They are a simple load and don't need a lot of power. i use a Wavac EC300B with only 10 Watts perchannel in a 400sqft room with great results. you won't believe the resolution these speakers are capable of!
SET without the burden of tubes is what I am trying to achieve and Lavardin seems to fit the bill. I know that many BL owners use 300B tubes for these with amazing results.
Just wanted to share that after many listening sessions and research, I settled on a First Watt J2 and it is an amazing match. One particular advantage of the J2 over the 300B amps I tried is the treble, much more open which wakes up the highs that are naturally rolled off or at least recessed due to the omnidirectional tweeter of the BL. Truly a special amplifier, resolution to die for and well-textured while never artificially blooming.