Tube Pre amp to mate with HT processor

I have a Sunfire CGV Processor for HT but I want to add a Tube Pre-amp for 2 channel. My 2 channel amps are Canary c-160's with Martin Logans
I want to use the Tube Pre-amp also in HT chain. How will this work using a tube pre amp all the time for 2 channel and with 5 channel?
Is it better to get a seperate processor?
I have a VTL 5.5 and it has a processor input. You have to google it and see what it says about it.I only use 2 channel.
look up "ht bypass " in the forums and this will bring up lots of info.
Yes, look up "HT Bypass" but be aware that much of what you find is not going to be accurate.
