SS integrated amp that has tube like qualities

I'm looking for someone who has real experience with several solid state integrated amplifiers that could provide me with a recommendation.

I'm looking for a solid state integrated, if one exists, with a tube like presentation. I mostly listen to male and female vocalists and are looking for an integrated that excells in midrange warmth/bloom, and richness/sweetness, while maintaining sonic clarity.

I believe that the Ayre may meet my expectations, but is a bit expensive even in the used market.

Are there any other less expensive choices? Thanks in advance...

Please do not recommend any class D amplification. I have had several, including the new Wyred and they are not my cup of tea.
I've got a Wyred STI-500 breaking in at home, and it sounds VERY promising so far. It is very cable sensitive I notice. So I am curious as to your negative reaction to Wyred or other class D integrateds.
You gotta love this type thread. Recommendations from every corner with absolutely no consensus. So Sfrounds, any closer to a decision?

Thanks for your opinion. I respectfully disagree. As far as SS amps go I believe the XA30.5/60.5/INT-30 have it more than any other SS amp I have ever heard. If you want tubes, get tubes, but this is as close in my opinion.

We are both avid Pass owners and post on the product often as we are both big fans so I dont want to debate you, but the X series is dead neutral, the XA is just sweet/rich side of neutral and what it does like tubes is the openness. Vocals are rich to me.

To each his own.