The British Sound

Ok I know this sounds ridiculous but hear me out. The British sound is characterized as being laid back, mellow and unagressive in the treble. It struck me that England is a very humid environment. And in high humidity conditions, the treble is more pronounced and shrill. Musicians playing outside before a rainstorm call this condition the bloom before the thunderstorm. Ive read that this state can be explained by physics. The reason I thought of this again tonight is because right now the weather is extremely humid in central NC tonite. I listened to my stereo and I had to turn down the treble on my speaker controls. My AC has not run all day. I ask, is this why they tweak their designs. They are only trying to make musical equipment perspective of any environmental influences. Am I way out in left field? Then tell me why their products including speakers sound that way. Mike
Buconero117, was that the article that contrasted national speaking voice to speaker sound, that they tended to be opposite?

I thought it was funny at the time, imagining Chinese speakers that sounded as flat as AM radio, rude Indian speakers and Irish speakers that didn't make any sound at all (loathing the sound of their own voice).
Camelboy, Maybe you could elaborate. What experience have you had that made you feel that way?
Maybe just because I have had British equipment for so long, and not heard much else lately.