Favorite 300B: Sophia vs KR

Which do you prefer; S.E.T. Princess 300B Carbon Plate or KR 300B WE Clone?

I've only experienced NOS 40's/50's WE so my expectations are pretty high. Which do you think captures the essence of the WE most closely? I'm trying to keep the cost down as much as possible so EAT is not an option, as much as I was blown away by their KT88. I considered current WE but they're not in production until Spring 2011.

You raise an interesting point, there`s a big difference in quaility (sonically and built) between the lower/mid price chinese 300b and the premium models. This is why earlier in this threat I`d strongly recommended the Shuguang Treasure Series or the TJ Full Music SE 300b. Yes they`re more expensive but are far better sounding and also extremely reliable.
The KR tubes sound very good, but for a number of audiogon users(read previous threads on this topic) have been unreliable. My amp`s(Coincident) builder Israel Blume stopped using these tubes(he liked the sound)due to poor support by the company for replacing bad tubes, I hope your experience is different. Audiogon member Montejay formerly used both the TJ carbon plate(Sophia) and the KR balloon 300b and reported the Shugaung Treasure tube was an upgrade YMMV.

Thanks for your replay, no argue here, cos I know about KR issues in that regard, but also you have to be sure which tubes you are putting in your equipment, cos they may not sound that good as you may expect. Result of this is the necessary tube rolling, which means spending money, lots of it. When I bought my Cary CAD 300SEI it came with full house of Sophia's and I was really pleased until I tried KR's, AVVT's, but more important differ driver and input tubes, cos Cary benefits a lot from them, some say even more than 300B rolling, but I believe in a good total match instead. Now I use full house of ECC33 Mullards, which to me are everything you may need from tubes. But than again, depends on speakers or else you are using... Thats why research and lots of reading, before actually purchase, making more sense up here.
Chinese, in general, trying to produce that sound clone of WE's in many differ ways, while for example Svetlana from Sensor in St.Petersburg like 80% of the WE sound sig, but for like USD 260 - 320 a pair, which is known for a very long time. They did have some quality issues in the past, but seems that now its all over. They are also on my list, but first I want KR Balloon's.

About the service of KR's. TJ's US dealer stopped importing their top notch carbon, cos of the same problems, to many broken tubes and to many issues with replacement, so, its not just KR.

Maxmad, Srajan Ebaen(6 Moons.com) during his reviews of 300b tubes was surprised to discover that in the amps he used the driver tube changed the sound character more than swapping the various output tubes.
Grant Audio is the North American distributor for TJ Full Music, I was`nt aware they`re having any problems with the higher end SE 300b tubes.
Sakahara, I ordered the ceramic base version. I also found Sue very pleasant.

Charles1dad, I wish there was a way that I could have auditioned the Treasures to hear for myself, but as I stated on another thread, a manufacturer, who has an extensive history of using 300bs in his push-pull amps, told me that the Treasures were disappointing when used with his PP circuitry.
Well, there was nothing wrong with quality, but there were just to many that came broken, at least thats what Grant Audio stated on their website.
You know, I am in the tube hobby for some time now and strange thing about the tubes is, if you pack them well, they just dont broke, but if they are bad, they just bad:-)

Anyway, here is some nice article about Svetlana's