Favorite 300B: Sophia vs KR

Which do you prefer; S.E.T. Princess 300B Carbon Plate or KR 300B WE Clone?

I've only experienced NOS 40's/50's WE so my expectations are pretty high. Which do you think captures the essence of the WE most closely? I'm trying to keep the cost down as much as possible so EAT is not an option, as much as I was blown away by their KT88. I considered current WE but they're not in production until Spring 2011.

Ladavid , The svetlanas are the real deal at around $ 325 a set , these are my new reference replacing EML xls , create/synergy , EH , Black treasures and full music carbons.
one of the things I always wonder about with 300b's is how wide the gulf is between various manufacturers. Prices vary wildly - is something like a Electro Harmonix to Svetlana to new Royal Princess a $700 gap in terms of value and sound. I know only my ears can tell me the answer to that questions so a bit rhetorical.

Probably quality of material, process and control procedure, but also the quantity. For example, Shuguang, TJ and maybe EH manufacturing like 500 valves a day, maybe more, but KR, EML or EAT manufacturing like 500 in month, all hand made, from start to the end, that's the difference.

As for the sound, I never tried any cheap Chinese or Russians so far, so, nothing I can tell here.
"So maybe sacrilege but have a push pull 300b tube amp”

The 300b is a great tube and no less so because it’s used in a push-pull amp.
Given the money I had just sunk into my amplifier when I acquired it, I decided to stay with the stock tubes for a while. Since then, in addition to adding the Sophia Royal Princesses, I upgraded the small tubes with the best that I could find. In my system, the improvement has been so great that I wish I hadn’t waited.

It might be somewhat more challenging to find 300b tubes for push-pull amps, like ours, because most 300b tube reviews are conducted with SET amps. I have been advised that the findings in those reviews might not coincide with ours, using push-pulls.
You`re right , it`s a wonderful tube.SET or push pull, it does`nt matter. If it`s a well built/designed amplifier it will simply make music sound devine. Regarding your 2nd point it seems if anything running the 300b as a SET would be more demanding on the tube than splitting/sharing the signal as in a PP circuit. I don`t understand why a tube that functions well handling the full signal would be less good when asked to do less. It appears counter intuitive, at lease to me.
Best Regards,