Favorite 300B: Sophia vs KR

Which do you prefer; S.E.T. Princess 300B Carbon Plate or KR 300B WE Clone?

I've only experienced NOS 40's/50's WE so my expectations are pretty high. Which do you think captures the essence of the WE most closely? I'm trying to keep the cost down as much as possible so EAT is not an option, as much as I was blown away by their KT88. I considered current WE but they're not in production until Spring 2011.

Have been following this thread off and on for a while. Where do KR 300B's fall into the mix? Do past quality control & warranty issues put them out of consideration? I know of a fellow Audiogoner that swears by them for his VAC Renaissance 70/70.
The builder of my Coincident amp(Israel Blume) loves their sound and use to offer the KR 300b as an upgrade. He stopped due to frequent tube failure and the unwillingness of the company to back the warranty and replace tubes.He now prefers the Shuguang BT series and the Psvane black 300b.
I am afraid that I am going to disappoint all of you.

The backstory: My amplifier contains a protective circuit. My first pair of Royal Princess 300b tripped the protective circuit after about 30-45 minutes. The folks at Sophia Electric asked me to bring in the Shuguang Black Treasures that I was using "successfully" as well as the Royal Princess 300b that tripped the protective circuit. The Shuguangs drew 41mA; the Royal Princess drew 68mA - these were then swapped for a pair of Royal Princess that drew 41mA and that have been working fine ever since.

Yesterday, I inserted the Takatsuki TA-300; and after 30-45 minutes, they also tripped the protective circuit - just like the first pair of Royal Princess. When I looked at the measurements that came with the tubes, their current was also listed as 68mA.

So. . . I only was able to listen for a short while before the amplified shut down. But with the caveats that I listened to a brand new pair and only for a short time, my impression was that the TA-300b were at least as good at the Royal Princess and probably better. . . smoother, more musical, more holographic. That is as good as I am going to be able to do. Sorry to disappoint, but I am even more disappointed.

Where do I go from here? First, I asked the Japanese company whether there were any TA-300b tubes that drew less current. The Western Electric standard was 60mA, and the listed standard for the TA-300b was 65mA. Knowing the Japanese mania for adhering to standards, I got the expected reply "Even In Western Electric'300B there are almost plus minus a few 10mA's tolerance. Takatsuki's Ip tolerance is strictly regulated than WE and also the deviation on matched pair must be very narrow, that means superior matched pair. You don't worry about the specification and quality on Takatsuki's 300B." In other words, no. A second possibility is to send the amplifier back to the designer to have him change the protective circuit; it seems that he miscalculated considering that the two sets of tubes that tripped the protective circuit were close to the WE 300b standard. Unfortunately, Jarek is in Krakow, Poland; and I am in Washington, DC.

The conclusion. . . Is anyone interested in an almost new (less than 1hr use) pair of Takatsuki TA-300b? Unless I hear something different from the distributor in Japan, the likely future is to list them on Audiogon. Sigh.
Tough luck, Based on your brief listening session it still seems to match the raves of the 6 Moons review. This is a 'brand new' tube that I`ll imagine will only get better. My amp is auto bias and made to except the WE standard. I`m very interested in your tubes.Email charles1dad@aol.com
The plot thickens! A third prize fighting contender in the mix, would be all the better.
Gentleman, place your bets!