Favorite 300B: Sophia vs KR

Which do you prefer; S.E.T. Princess 300B Carbon Plate or KR 300B WE Clone?

I've only experienced NOS 40's/50's WE so my expectations are pretty high. Which do you think captures the essence of the WE most closely? I'm trying to keep the cost down as much as possible so EAT is not an option, as much as I was blown away by their KT88. I considered current WE but they're not in production until Spring 2011.


I have followed this thread with interest because I also have the Frankenstein mark II monoblocks equiped with the Black Treasure 300b tubes. I have always believed this to be a stellar pairing but I would love to hear the Takatsuki 300b tubes in these amps. I can't find the link to order them. Could you help a fellow tubeofile out here?
Hello Marcus,
The Frankenstein-BT 300b is stellar as you say(it bettered virtually everything else I`ve heard in home audio systems for my taste). The contact is audio@amtrans.co.jp they answer with good english translation. Given your fine system I believe the improvement with the Takatsuki will be blatantly apparent and worthwhile.
Marcus what prompted the change from your high powered Cary to the 8 watt Frankenstein?

Thanks for the link. It's a considerable amount of money to pay for the tubes but, like you say, may be worth every penny. The Cary CAD120S was my first foray into tube amps several years ago and it's still an interesting switch off every now and then. The Frankenstein amps really opened my eyes to 300b sound. After reading many comments here on the gon and following your threads, I decided to take the plunge and purchased the Franks a few years ago. I was blown away!!! this leads me to believe that your tastes in sound and mine are pretty close so I'm going for the Takatsuki's. I also own a VAC 30/30 and recently installed 4 Psvane 181-T tubes in the front, 6SN7 positions. It's a tad more dynamic than the Franks but I'm thinking that the Takatsuki's may erase any similarities.
I want to thank you for the excellent guidelines and opinions you have ventured forth in these threads. I have found them to be most valuable.
Hi Markus,
Thank you for your kind comments.The Frankenstein is a fabulous amplifier but obviously not 'perfect'. There`s always some inherent trade offs with any component even if slight.My 100 watt/60watt triode Bella Extreme amp was a 'bit' more dyanamic(but only at louder levels than I would normally listen at) and it has just a bit more bass weight/impact with certain music.The 8 watt Franks are close enough however and in 'all' other areas is a clearly superior amp.

I`ve always admired the VAC Renaissance amps and some trades offs likely exist here as well.
Funny thing is that the Takatsukis do add significant improvement in both dynamics and bass weight and firmness(also better articulation and texture)that narrows the already small gap in this area.

Recommendations are tricky and are`nt guaranteed but I`m fairly certain you`ll be very pleased with the change to the Takatsuki.8 watt SET vs 30 watt push-pull, how do they differ in tonality.air, openess and transparency? You have two very fine amplifiers though with different perspectives of sound.
Markus - I think you should sell me back my VAC 30/30 so you can fund the purchase of the Takatsuki's for your Frankensteins. What do u say!