Favorite 300B: Sophia vs KR

Which do you prefer; S.E.T. Princess 300B Carbon Plate or KR 300B WE Clone?

I've only experienced NOS 40's/50's WE so my expectations are pretty high. Which do you think captures the essence of the WE most closely? I'm trying to keep the cost down as much as possible so EAT is not an option, as much as I was blown away by their KT88. I considered current WE but they're not in production until Spring 2011.

Pdreher, your Daedalus speakers would sound well with either of the VAC REN amps,even the 30/30 is a potent little beast.
Charles - I agree, both of the VAC REN amps are great... but the 30/30 would be a heck of a lot cheaper to retube with Takatsuki's @ $1,450/pair!
Hello Charles1dad and Paul,

Just back from AXPONA audio show in Jacksonville,Fl. It was a very interesting experience. I'll save details for a different thread but I'll venture forth this thought. Learning and listening to new and different technologies is truely a great part of our audiofile experience.

Charles1dad, the Pure Reference speakers really respond well to the additional 24 watts the 30/30 puts out. After tube rolling the front 4 6SN7's I found that 4, Psvane 181-t's really took this amp to a different level. I have only 50 hours on the tubes but the change is uncanny and not suttle. Dynamics are expanded, soundstaging is improved and as these tubes break in, I hear suttle differences that weren't there before. On the negative side of the equation, I do hear more noise in the push pull configuration than I do with the Franks but like you said, there are always trade off's. It's an interesting comparison. I'm looking forward to the Takatsuki's, which brings up another posibility. What if I took the Black Bottles out of the Franks, bought 2 more and put them in the 30/30????

Paul, I will be forever greatful to you for selling me the 30/30. It's truely a GREAT amp that, to me, is a keeper and continues to improve. How do the Daedulus speakers sound?
As I suspected, two really good amps with their own individual advantages. I`d expect 32 watts of push--pull 300b to be advantageous for a bit more grunt and dynamics yet still very good at everything else. I`d expect the Frankenstein to be a bit more pure and nuanced but still have very realistic dynamics. You can`t go wrong in your situation.

The BT tubes could very well be an upgrade in the VAC REN amplifier. The only relative drawback I`ve heard regarding this amp is the circuit is 'hot rod design' and is said to be hard on the 300b (shorten life span). Otherwise everything else concerning the amp is positive across the board.

I`ll be very interested to read your impression of the Takatsuki-Frankenstein match, as dynamic performance and projection/energy(overall scale) is one of the most noticable improvemnets over the BT 300b.If I did`nt own the Franks I could live quite happily with the VAC 30/30 amp.
Markus - Now that I've put my Daedalus thru a formal break-in process, they are sounding great.

BTW, in talking to Brent @ VAC, I've found a way to get the sound of my old 30/30 out of my 70/70 Sig. by simply taking out a row (quad) of 300B's. In doing so, I essentially now have a 30/30 Signature in the body of a 70/70 Sig. Kind of a waste in some respects, but it gives me the advantage of either going with only one quad of 300B's to get my preferred sound of a 30/30 Sig., but keeping the other quad in reserve if I ever switch back to a less efficient speaker that would benefit from the additional quad of output tubes.

Now I just have to find a creative way to purchase a quad of high-end 300B's. I can probably swing a quad of KR's, but would prefer to go all out with a quad of Takatsuki's.

Did you have to pay retail price, or did they discount off the $1,450 retail?