Favorite 300B: Sophia vs KR

Which do you prefer; S.E.T. Princess 300B Carbon Plate or KR 300B WE Clone?

I've only experienced NOS 40's/50's WE so my expectations are pretty high. Which do you think captures the essence of the WE most closely? I'm trying to keep the cost down as much as possible so EAT is not an option, as much as I was blown away by their KT88. I considered current WE but they're not in production until Spring 2011.

I am done with RP's, see my earlier posts please.

Charles1dad waiting for his pair, as far as I know, its all depending on how fast Sophia arange the replacement pair.

Hey guys, anyone of you knows that STC 4300B tubes actually can be used as direct 300B replacement?
These are so rare that I dont think we ever see anyone here to post something about it, but I just thought to mention this would be interesting.

Another, less exciting news, is that Takatsuki going to be much expensiver soon, say around JPY 30.000 = USD360 more than now, so, if you want to order, do it now.

I may pull the trigger today on a quad of Tatatsuki's. I cringe at the price, but figure it to be a once in a lifetime purchase. Hope they live up to the hype!
I've got a pair of the Tatatsuki's on the way now...hopefully. Paul, if you do pull the trigger, let us know how they sound in your amp. I'm thinking about getting a second pair before prices go up and the base changes.
I will receive a new pair of the RP shipped out today per sue at Sophia Electric(they`re very cooperative and friendly).

Maxmad, you say the Takatsuki is increasing their price? Wow! it`s a superb 300b but it` very expensive at current price. When will this price increase happen?
It makes me wonder how good the new Psvane W.E. replica could be for it`s price. Could their engineering,parts and built perhaps come very close to the japanese standard(ultra high).Could the Psvane sound nearly/or as good?
Chalrles1dad, great news, finally you will be able to start the comparison.

I must say, I am not sure, cos it can be an kind of speculation as well, I just asked this person again if the info he got is true, but if it's going to happened than it will be within one month from now, that's what he heard.
I just thought it may help folks to spare some money, if Takatsuki will increase their price I mean, thatÂ’s all.

He also mention that EAT is going to re-design their 300B tube around September 2012, however I am not sure of this either.