Paul, yes "ma" stands for milliamperes, and in this case refers to the plate current under some given test conditions (plate voltage and grid-to-cathode bias voltage particularly; perhaps also filament voltage if that is varied from its nominal 5 volt value).
That has no necessary relation to the 48 and 80 ma numbers the vendor quoted to Michael, because it is very likely that the test conditions (plate voltage and bias voltage especially) were different for those measurements than they are in the amp. The plate current numbers will vary dramatically depending on those test conditions. I would expect the 48 ma tube to measure much higher when placed in the amp.
The uncertainty I have, as I indicated in my previous post, is whether or not a tube whose plate current is significantly lower than average when measured under a given set of conditions (as seems likely to be the case with the 48 ma tubes), will provide optimal sonic results when biased by the Renaissance amp. I don't know the answer to that question.
BTW, do your VAC sourced Chinese tubes have any measurements marked on their bases, as mine do?
Best regards,
-- Al
I talked to Brent about this yesterday, and I could have sworn that he said healthy tubes should measure in the 85 to 90 range.Paul, I would feel pretty certain that what Brent was referring to was the plate current as measured in the amp, when biased by the amp.
That has no necessary relation to the 48 and 80 ma numbers the vendor quoted to Michael, because it is very likely that the test conditions (plate voltage and bias voltage especially) were different for those measurements than they are in the amp. The plate current numbers will vary dramatically depending on those test conditions. I would expect the 48 ma tube to measure much higher when placed in the amp.
The uncertainty I have, as I indicated in my previous post, is whether or not a tube whose plate current is significantly lower than average when measured under a given set of conditions (as seems likely to be the case with the 48 ma tubes), will provide optimal sonic results when biased by the Renaissance amp. I don't know the answer to that question.
BTW, do your VAC sourced Chinese tubes have any measurements marked on their bases, as mine do?
Best regards,
-- Al