Adding tubes to SS system-Tube Preamp Amp or Int?

After reading up on tube gear, I am intrigued to try out tubes for the first time in my 2-channel system. As of right now, it is all solid state - I recently got hold of a Parasound JC2 preamp and A21 amp.

I'd like to incorporate something 'tubey' in there just to see for myself what the sound will be like. I am totally new to this, so I dont know where to begin. But I know that I only want to buy a single component for now, so...

Do you folks have an opinion on whether it would be 'better' in any way to use a tube preamp connected to the Parasound A21 amp vs a tube amp connected to the Parasound JC2 preamp? For those of you that love tubes, which method do you think would give you more of the 'tube sound'?

Another consideration - my JC2 is setup with an HT bypass, but since I am not using HT in this system yet, I am thinking it might be a neat option to find a tube preamp, send it through the JC2 bypass directly into the A21 amp. That way, there will be no needed movement of cables (connecting/disconnecting) in order to utilize both the solid state and tube components.

If those are both just bad or suboptimal choices, maybe I'll just look for an integrated tube amp? But again, I want to leave it at one component for now. Just want to start limiting my choices to one of the 3.
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Wow! Thanks everyone for the comments, and it is obvious to me that I have lots to learn! Some of what you are saying I understand, some things I am not entirely clear on.

Looks like opinions pretty much cover all the options. I suspected as much really, but it is still somewhat overwhelming. However, it does seem that there is more of a preference for tubes in the power amp for the fullest 'effect'.

I hadn't thought much about tubes in the source components, DACs, or 'buffers'. I'm not convinced I want to go that route yet. But it is early on still and things may change.

Honestly, my idea of tubes in the preamp was driven mainly by it's perceived simplicity in connections. Seems like I could simply add a tube preamp to the system and connect it to my JC2 preamp via the bypass input, which would send the signal passed the JC2 untouched directly to the amp. I wouldnt need to switch around any speaker cables since I would have only the single SS amp. Any sources I wanted to hear via tubes could be connected to the tube preamp, and any sources I wanted to hear via SS could be connected to the JC2. However, in practice, I suspect I would still be switching the source cables back and forth as I would probably experiment with any single source with both preamps.

If I go the route of the tube amp instead, I am now thinking about components such as the Cayin integrated amps (A88T, A100T) which could be used as a standalone all-tube preamp/amp, while at the same time it is able to be used solely as a power amp using the preamp inputs it has that bypass it's preamp section. So I would have an all-tube integrated, with an option to be used as a tube power amp only. Is this a norm for tube integrated amps? Are there others like this?

So I have to ask a few more questions about the method of connection if I use a tube amp. The JC2 preamp has 4 pairs of outputs (balanced, unbalanced, etc) that are all active simultaneously. So could I connect the JC2 out to the SS amp via one output and to the tube (integrated) power amp via another output? I would have to switch speaker connections between the 2 amps dependent on which I wanted to use? How would this work out?

Yes, I deliberately left out the part about the speakers, although I am aware that it is a very important part of the equation. The reason for this is that I plan to upgrade speakers soon. Right now, I am using 20+ year old Vandersteen 2Ce speakers. And I am still unsure of which speakers I will be getting. I'm not sure whether to even bring it up here as I dont want this to turn into a discussion of speakers. But I realize it is important, so some of the contenders for new speakers would be: Dali Helicon 800, Monitor Audio PL300, Focal 1037Be, B&W 803D, Vandersteen Quatros or Model 5.

If I go the route of the tube amp, could someone explain in a bit more simplistic terms what I need to look for in order for it to match with the JC2 preamp and whatever speakers I eventually choose?
Agree 100% with The Doctor and the gentleman who introduced us, Sufentanil.

I don't care where you put tubes in the system, in how many places, or how many tubes you have, you won't get that tube sound unless and until you have tubes in the power amplifier section.
"could someone explain in a bit more simplistic terms what I need to look for in order for it to match with the JC2 preamp and whatever speakers I eventually choose?"

That's a sensible question. Unfortunately, it just doesn't work that way. Trying to match a tube amplifier with whatever speaker you eventually choose is impractical at best. Speakers range widely in their compatibility with tubes. Above all else, try to narrow your choice of speakers to those offering a benign impedance. You can save a bundle on your tube amplifier by doing so.
Ok. Then what is considered a 'benign' impedance? Also, are there any other general rules I should be aware of? What about the sensitivity of the speakers vs the power of the tube amplifier?

I know there wont be any 'absolute' rules. But how about some places to start for someone that really doesnt know much about it.