Conrard-Johnson CT5 tube rolling?

Anyone out there have experience using NOS with the CT5? Are they better than the $200 a pair tubes CJ sells? My tubes are about ready for a rotation, so I thought I'd check with fellow owners.
c-j likes to say that you cannot find tubes that will make your preamp sound better than those they supply. Some people agree saying that the preamp will sound best with the tubes it was designed to use.

My experience with a c-j 17ls2 is that different tubes will change the sound of the preamp and I have found tubes that I prefer to the stock electro harmonix 6922s. This will not come as a shock to tube rollers.

I have not heard the CT5 but I don't think it would hurt to try some different good quality tubes and see what you think.

If you search some of the threads on tube rolling you will find the names of reputable tube sellers who can make recomendations based on what changes you would like to make to the CT5's sound.
Well I live with CJ Act 2 for about 2years without changing stock tubes after I was told by CJ customer service it's not necessary . Well, after 2 years , 1 purchased 2 pairs of NOS tube, no contest and wish I have change tube earlier . Similarly when I purchased a Tron Reference phono stage I was strongly discouraged by the designer to change tube. So trust your ears not what the manufacturers say
Audio blazer,

I put new tubes in last week and was blown away by the I agree that refreshing tubes is a good idea.

One thing about the Ct5 is that it's tough on tubes. Even CJ customer service recommends every 1500 hours.


The ct5 uses the Sovtek 6H30p "super" tube and there aren't many sources for compatible and reliable alternatives I've recently learned.
Hi Vhiner, you are right, I don't think there is a substitute for the 6h30 other than the 6h30-DR which is a premium quality 6h30 that is no longer made.

They are for sale here on Audiogon for $280 a pair. I think it would be worth the investment to see how they work with your c-j. Considering what a CT5 costs it's a good idea to pay a little more for tubes that get the best out of it. I am not saying that you will like the 6h30-DR better though. I've never heard a CT5 with either tube.

Merry Christmas!

Thanks so much for the tip! I will check the DR version out. If anyone knows of the most " reliable" source let me know.