Conrard-Johnson CT5 tube rolling?

Anyone out there have experience using NOS with the CT5? Are they better than the $200 a pair tubes CJ sells? My tubes are about ready for a rotation, so I thought I'd check with fellow owners.

I'm tempted to just say, "Yup!" LOL.

Ed, the very model of modern major tech guy at conrad-johnson, has told me several times that the tubes will operate well into the 3,000 hour range but that the sonic degradation at that point will be obvious if you replace them. When I replaced mine after 2,000 I was floored. A pair runs $135 right now and is *well* worth the price, IMHO. Tube degradation occurs very slowly and, therefore, seldom noticed until one begins to seriously fade.

When I replaced mine I fell in love with preamp all over again....gorgeous bloom, sparkling highs, prodigious lows, etc.
Many thanks. What's the best source for the 6H30 tube? Did you buy from CJ or online ? I think my tubes are fine for now but not sure for how long.

I buy directly from CJ because they stand behind their tubes and test them rigorously. Put'em on your holiday wish list...I think you'll like what you hear!


Thanks. I had to replace a 6550 on my CJ LP 70S , power amp,a few years back and found online prices to be way cheaper. CJ doesn't manufacture the tubes and the mark up by the CJ dealer was absurd.
I have a pair of 6H30 on order and will swap them and report on the difference.