Creek Destiny or Rogue Cronus Magnum?

What is your opinion as to which has the best overall sound?
That's it. Which would you listen to for hours, perhaps years with a smile on your face and not think about anything but the music? This may be a bit of apples and oranges, but I am only interested in the overall sound for the long run.
Thank you. I look forward to your opinion.
Yes, the tube rolling is a benefit. I own both tubes and SS. I like mu amps but I'm looking for something I can keep without hesitation for a few years. Surely someone has a definite opinion on the Rogue Cronus Magnum and especially the Creek Destiny? They are said to be breathtakingly good integrateds.
My Rogue sounds fantastic. Head and shoulders above my previous Arcam integrated.
Good luck with your decision making, and Happy Listening !
I hate it when people do this.... but I'm going to do it anyway!

I've owned the Cronus and have to tell you, a Cayin A70T or A88T is far superior and can be had for similar money. I auditioned a slew of ~$2k integrated amps and the A70T is in a different league all together.

Sorry for not sticking to your original offerings!