Preamp question: Mcintosh c500t vs Einstein mk2

I have decided to upgrade my preamp from a my integrated Rotel 1062 that I am using for the pre-out. The preamps that I am looking at is Mcintosh c500t or the Einstein mk2 "The Tube". I'd like to keep my pre under 8k used.

Some background info on my system is I use an Ayre QB-9 Dac going to a my Rotel preamp with a Mcintosh mc402 amp pushing my B&W 802D. Also my ic cables a ok but pretty entry level transparent audio, music-link level.

I am fairly new to the audio hobby about two years, but it is very addicting! I have acquired most of my equipment used on Audiogon. I use other members post and audio reviews to help research equipment since I do not have local dealers. I look forward to your opinions and advice. Thanks!
When using Mac in a system be sure to check polarity such as by swapping + for - on speaker cables, as very frequently Mac inverts polarity.
I have not heard much about mac inverted polarity...Does the einstein have that midrange magic most tube pres have?
Joe, it's a no cost exercise to try reversing the speaker cables, and your speakers should tell you immediately which way is correct (fuller and more distinct). A while back I visited a client with a large Mac integrated amp driving Avalon Eidolons. Just for kicks I reversed the speaker cables, and the improvement was immediate and stunning. He'd been listening with them connected the wrong way for five years.
Wrm57: Relax. Just because I did not trot out my sources of information does not disprove what I said. It is free to try the connections both ways. My point was to make people aware of this and suggest they check it out. Maybe you should, too.