Tube Preamp suggestion for the uninitiated

I'm a graduating medical student from UW Madison, and have a relatively limited budget that involves selling off everything I own on ebay in order to afford nice audio equipment. (In case you wanted to know...)

Currently have some TAD Hibachi monoblocks and monitor audio RS6 towers, and I need some tube loving preamplification after my VDAC. I have about $900 but could scrounge up to $1k if deemed quite necessary.

Perhaps advice from someone who knows what they are talking about and has the freedom to buy and try a couple of preamps? Something with nice low end and to smooth out the highs? Please no advice if you've only owned one preamp and like it! That doesn't count!
awww, poor belkin getting thrown under the bus!

their pureav stuff is actually good - and really good for the prices you can usually find them.

their speaker cables in particular are really quite good.

poor widdle bewlkin.
I would look at a used CAT. It was my first Hi-End preamp and is still hard to beat. A cheaper alternative, if you can find one is the Audible Illusions Modulus 3a.
The tube preamps from Mapletree Audio are supposed to be very good for their price. Another Audiogon member I know well is using one and he's owned the likes of the top end CAT and Joule Electra preamps. Same would go with a company like Decware. Great bang for the buck.

As for cables. Mogami would work nicely for a start. There are also excellent budget speaker cables out there as well. Someone recommended JW Audio advertised here on Audiogon and after taking a look myself am tempted to give them a try. One thing about cables, lots of vendors offer trial periods so don't be afraid to try out some and send back those you don't like.
Audible Illusions tube preamps are excellent (you can probably get a new one model 3A for $1200) as well as the old Counterpoints if you can find one cheap. The Rogue 99 is nice with CBS 6SN7 tubes (the tubes are cheap and work great in this preamp) and the Mapletree (6SN7 based) is a good choice. ALl these IMO are much better then the CJs and Quicksilver in my comparisions.

As far as ICs try the auctions here on Agon that have a money back trial period. Or make your own.

Happy Listening.