Power of the KT-120's abilities relative to the 6550's are theoretical differences. The KT-120 is capable of handling more power but only if the power supply voltages are increased. When plugged in as a 6550 replacement and no other changes are made, the amp will put out exactly the same power. No tube will allow ohm's law to be revoked. I'm afraid that the issue of replacement is misunderstood.
Thus, power should not be the reason to replace the 6550's. There may be other reasons such as added lifetime because the KT-120 is working under it's maximum power output that is an advantage. But, not power.
I do not know what Hifigeek1 was hearing. Imagination?
Power of the KT-120's abilities relative to the 6550's are theoretical differences. The KT-120 is capable of handling more power but only if the power supply voltages are increased. When plugged in as a 6550 replacement and no other changes are made, the amp will put out exactly the same power. No tube will allow ohm's law to be revoked. I'm afraid that the issue of replacement is misunderstood.
Thus, power should not be the reason to replace the 6550's. There may be other reasons such as added lifetime because the KT-120 is working under it's maximum power output that is an advantage. But, not power.
I do not know what Hifigeek1 was hearing. Imagination?