Accuphase E550 or E560?

Is Accuphase E560 much better than E550?
Yes, it was a typo mistake - I mean to write a blend of E-550 and E-450, indeed.

I don't use guides and reviews anymore when I want to evaluate and compare an audio equipment. I prefer to use only my subjective ears ! :)

I use a pair of JMLab Electra 920.1 with E-560. IMO it's a very good match. I doesn't hear yet any pre / power combos with class A power from Accuphase, but I listen for many other Accuphase pre / power - most of them with the fabulous P-7100 power.

BTW, are you romanian ? :)

Hi Cosmin,

Sorry for the late reply.

I too find that Accuphase electronics and Focal speakers pair very well together. My speakers are Focal Micro Utopia Be (I also have a REL Stentor 3 subwoofer).

Regarding, your question about my nationality, I am romanian indeed. I assume you are romanian too, right? Where are you located? I live in Amsterdam (for about 10 years now).

Best wishes,

Last week I had the chance to compare the E-550 and E-560 amplifiers at a dealer (in a rather bad room). The speakers were Martin Logan Spire and the CD player was the Accuphase DP-510. I know Zszwedo has bought (sometime ago already) a Rega combo, but other might still be interested in this comparison. As I own the Accuphase E-550 integrated, keep in mind that to some extend I am biased.

As I have expected the two amps sounded very similar, however, there were some audible differences. On one hand the E-560 seemed to have more drive. By that I mean that, for a give position of the volume potentiometer, the E-560 produced somewhat louder sound from the speakers than the E-550. Probably also because of this (it was difficult to match the volume levels as the difference in loudness was not very large) minor details in the music seemed more obvious via the E-560. I also had the impression that the E-560 had a somewhat blacker background. One the other hand, the E-550 was more open and portrayed a much larger sound stage. By comparison, the E-560 sounded a bit constricted and too focused. I could summarize this by saying that, at least to me, the E-550 sounded more life-like (had a larger presentation was more organic and had less obvious details), whereas the E-560 sounded more "hi-fi" (more focus, more evident details but less organic). But overall, except for the E-560 being a bit louder, the differences were quite small.

Based on my audition, I can't say anything about the ability of the two amps to control large woofers (the Spires have powered subwoofers). Somebody on a dutch forum has reported that the E-560 controlled the woofers of his Focal Electra 1037 Be speakers better than E-550. That probably is the case, but as I have already mentioned, 30 watts are but 30 watts. Do not expect the E-560 to drive speakers like B&W 800 or 802 to their full potential, and/or be able to reproduce the dynamic of a full orchestra or big-band. If you want the later get a pair of horns :) (e.g. Avantgarde speakers pair beautifully with Accuphase).

I would conclude that (IMO) if one has large speakers E-560 is probably a better choice (though personally I would opt for E-450/E-460 over E-550/E-560). For monitors, however, IMO the E-550 wins hands down as in principle it can be had for approximately half the price of E-560.