? Tube Replacement Question ?

As a novice in the world of vacuum tubes, I have a couple of basic questions. I have a Audio Research SP16 tube preamp I purchased new in January 2008 & use on a daily basis. The tubes have never been replaced.

(1) When is it prudent to replace the tubes?

(2) Will sound quality deteriorate with age?

(3) Are there advantages of replacing the tubes with aftermarket alternatives vs. OEM tubes?

Thank you kindly for your help.
You might want to consider using tube dampers in the phono stage, at the very least. These tubes are more susceptible to micro-phonics due to the increased gain in the phono stage. When you are using the phono stage you are actually using the phono stage and the high level stage together to get the necessary gain. I use the dampers in both the high-level and the phono stages with excellent results. The ARC tube dampers work very well and are inexpensive.
Thank you, everyone, for your suggestions. This will allow me to weigh the pros & cons of my various options & to make an informed decision. Thanks again.
A note regarding tube dampers.

The tubes in my SP16 came with removable dampers.

I put these on teh new tubes when I replaced them.

The gal at ARC told me that the dampers were not removable and reusable with some older production units. ie they tended to adhere to the tubes over time.
Mapman the new rubber "O" ring dampers are removable and reusable, just don't cover the plate of the tube. Move the ring so it's above the plate structure. The older clear dampers used to melt into the tube.