Shindo Monbrison better a RedWine Isabella?

I'm consistently intrigued by the Shindo gear, and I'm eyeballing a Monbrison pre to replace my Redwine Audio Isabella pre. I've currently got the system synergy thing going with RedWIne 70.2s (all Auditorium cabling, Devore Nines). Am I barking up the wrong tree here and about to destroy a good thing, or can I expect higher levels of audio engagement with the Shindo at the heart of things? Thank you in advance.

My comment is not about circuit topology but sound quality, the reason so many people like the Shindo sound is the lack of artificiality, natural tone colors, and its overall musicality, kind of like an SET type sound that is really good SET amp produces, natural and musical.

Too many preamps or amps for that matter can take music apart and separate it into many distinct parts, which can sound really spectacular like great hifi and not music.

A really great 300b based amplifier sounds natural and musical, the Manley sounds this way, so does the Shindo, it is less to do with just using a particular circuit but the overall geshstalt of a design. There are solid state amps that sound like tube amps and tube amps which sound like solid state.

Personally the idea of using un-obtanium for parts is a scary idea, as parts age the do lose sound quality and reliability, to base a modern product on 40-50 year old parts seems awfully fool hearty. What if in 10 years you need service and that particular part on 50 years old is not available because they used them up or the part has failed due to age what then.

I think you have to take into consideration with any electronic device the future and serviceability issues which may arise, please don't take this as an attack, this is just an opinion, it it the same with a rare vintage car yeah it is cool to drive it once in awhile but I wouldn't drive it every day.

Yes Shindo does have a distinctive sound however, that doesn't mean there aren't other products which can produce a similar sound either.

Listen to a Mastersound SET amplifier the 845 sound great, the 300b doesn't and tell me if it too doesn't have a similar quality to a Shindo.

My point is simple there are many ways to skin a sonic cat.
Shindo stocks a large supply of spare parts for there products. Tubes, caps and anything else. He has been in business for 25 years and this has never been a problem
The Red Wine Audio amplifiers are a reasonable value amplifier if you're looking for:

1. Off the grid performance. No need to depend on the power quality of your AC line.

2. Solid state reliability combined with a tonal density and richness which is more often associated with tube amplifiers.

What the Red Wine amplifiers do not excel at is a certain aliveness and high frequency extension that good tube amplifiers can do very well. You can get high frequency extension out of other solid state amplifiers, but in my experience you're often getting a healthy dose of listener fatigue to go along with your hyper detail.

As for the preamp, the Isabella should sound better than it does. It is, to my ears and with the stock JJs, overly warm and overly slow. The $500 Lightspeed attenuator is better, but only if the rest of your system is suitably compatible with a passive.

I'm on a transparency kick lately, so my "transparent" may be your "thin" and my "warm and slow" may be your "full of body".

I have not heard the LFP-V editions of any of the RWA products. I understand they're faster, more dynamic, more transparent, etc. I also understand that the new RWA amplifiers now have a tube buffer.

I don't hesitate to recommend RWA gear to all sorts of my friends who are not as obsessed as I am and in fact, they really like the RWA gear despite me telling them that a true valve amplifier may sound better.

When I demoed a very neutral Dayens Ampino for them, they continued to prefer their RWA amplifier. So as always, results dependent on system, room, your own ears, etc.
Please forgive my failure to point out that my RedWine gear is the updated LFP-V edition. Quite a step forward from the older 70.2s and Isabella.

Glory, could you further illuminate your beef with the Red Wine gear other than it sucks? That's admittedly the first time I've ever heard or read that, and it certainly doesn't concur with my own experiences.

It seems to be oft stated that Shindo is quite finicky in that it prefers more of its own kind and that mixing gear will often rob the "Shindo magic." Would I be doing the same to my "Redwine Audio magic?" Clearly, there's only one way to find out!
I have my Shindo Auriges with a pair of Hurricane monoblocks and the Shindo magic is there