Tube pre-amp upgrade from Mcintosh C2300

If I want to upgrade my Mac C2300 tube pre, should I just move up within Mac line to Mac C500T or try an audio research Ref 5 or a Shindo Monbrison? Has anyone compared those?

My source is Linn Akurate DS player, amps are Mac MC402 and MC275, speaker is Wilson audio Sophia 2 with transparent Ultra cables.
I personnaly have a LS26 pre amp with a MC402 and it sounds very good. However I have been wanting to upgrade as well and I really am leaning toward the C500T. I was looking at maybe a Audio Research LS27 or even the Ref 5 now that there are some used poppong up here on AG. But I am a die hard Mcintosh guy and really want to try the C500T. I haven't read any reviews on it, but the C1000 gets pretty good press. How have you liked your C2300? I had considered that when I bought the LS26 but at the time really wanted to try something different.
I have a Ref 3, and have heard the Ref 5 and LS27. I did not hear enough difference from my Ref 3 with either, especially the LS27, to motivate me to upgrade. I have owned the Aurieges, heard the Monbrison, and own a Masseto. If you do not need balanced or remote capabilities, the Monbrison is a far more musical preamp than the Ref 5 or LS27. All IMHO, of course. And the Monbrison includes a superb phono stage.
Have you tried any tube upgrades in the C2300? I have a friend that has a MC402 with a C2200, and he did some tube upgrades with very good results.
I've found C2300 is very responsive to tube rolling. So like Tls49 suggests, that would be a good first step. Still, every poster I've read who has moved to the C500T from the C2300 has reported substantial improvement. Most reports, though, specify using balanced outputs. If you're all SE, the improvement might not be so great, I don't know. In my system, RCA out sounds more liquid than XLR from the C2300.
The Ref 3 and 5 are also great, maybe a little better detail and definition. You will need awesome source material, speakers and amps to benefit from that upgrade. its a high cost vs value upgrade