How can a 40 watt amp outshine a 140 watt amp

My query is; I see $6,000 integrated amplifiers with 40 watts per channel, how is this better than my Pionner Elite SC-35 @ 140 watts per channel, what am I going to hear different, with a, let's say Manley Labs - STINGRAY II? I obviously don't understand the basics involved and if someone could explain or point me in the right direction, I would greatly appreciate it.

I would like to set up a nice two channel analog system. I really can't afford the aforementioned Stingray, what is "out there" in the 2.5 grand range?
Mechans I don't believe that the hobby is unbelievable. Snake oil is eventually exposed as such, but for the majority of us, there are real differences. IMO, Each individual must trust their own conclusions drawn upon their listening/hearing experience. What else matters? Can anyone honestly tell you that you aren't hearing what you say you are hearing?
I guess I worded my response poorly. I intended to convey that despite our knowing that some aspects are Snake Oil, we know that there are real differences between products. It is that belief that makes this hobby fun. By saying belief I don't want to convey that believing is unfounded. It is just remarkable that we know some of this hobby is absurd but we still love it.
# watts alone says little about an amp other perhaps than how loud it can go with a particular pair of speakers depending on how efficient the speakers are before its published total harmonic distortion specs are exceeded (assuming those are accurate).

All the other things that go into designing and building the amp, including the details beyond THD that determine how the amp really distorts and sounds is how.