Sanders Sound preamp vs. Innersound?

I just recently picked up a Sanders Magtech amp to drive my new Maggie 1.7s and I am now searching for a preamp to join the party.
I was originally thinking I wanted to go with a tubed pre:
Modwright, SWL 9.0 sig., or new LS100.
Cary SPL-98
ARC, LS17 or LS25.

I just noticed 2 ads for a couple of Innersound preamps here on AGon that look very attractive.
The Innersound pre would be the perfect (solid state) match but I am guessing it would be much more of a neutral sounding pre, than any of the tubes units I am considering?

I think from neutral to warmer, these would ranked as:
1: Innersound.
2: ARC.
3: Modwright.
4: Cary.

Does anybody have any experience with the sound of any of these brands and if so, how would you compare the Innersound / Sanders to them?

How does the Innersound compare to Roger's current Sanders preamplifier, I know they look pretty much the same but how much has he done to improve it?
I have the Sanders Slim Linestage preamp and the Magtech amp. My Slim Linestage and Magtech combo is the best sound I have ever had. I previously had the McIntosh C220 preamp and the Parasound JC-2. IMHO, you will never be sorry with this combo. I am driving a pair of Duntech Sovereigns (big, big speakers) and I am in Audio Heaven. Happy listening.
I had an Innersound iPre several years ago to go with my Innersound ESL300. I found the iPre to be extremely transparent, but would also describe it as sterile and uninvolving. Music just didn't sound that captivating played through it.

I've since moved on to other SS and tube pre's, and I'm much happier.

Just my 2 cents.

Isn't Sanders and Innersound the same? Did Sanders buy Innersound or something?
Here is a very brief review of the key elements of the Innersound/Sanders history:

Innersound, Inc. was founded in 1996 by Raj Varma who lived in the U.K. He hired Roger Sanders to design electrostatic speakers for him. Eventually, Mr. Varma expanded Roger's role to run Innersound in the U.S. while Mr. Varma manufactured computers in the U.K.

The key element here is that Roger was an employee of Innersound and never owned or controlled the company. So when Gary Leeds wanted to buy Innersound, the decision to sell was made by Mr. Varma -- Roger had no say in the matter.

When Gary Leeds bought Innersound, Inc. (February 2003), he dissolved the company and started a new one (Innersound LLC). He allowed Roger to become a minority share holder in the new company.

But as majority share holder, Mr. Leeds maintained total control of the company and once again, Roger could not manage the company in the manner he would have liked. This eventually led to Roger leaving Innersound, LLC in July of 2004.

After leaving Innersound, Roger started his own company (Sanders Sound Systems, LLC). Shortly thereafter, Innersound, LLC went out of business.

But before doing so, Mr. Leeds asked Roger to take care of Innersound's customers. Roger agreed to do so and Mr. Leeds transferred critical Innersound parts inventory to Roger so that he could service Innersound's products.

Note that although Roger does provide service for Innersound's products, Innersound's warranty is no longer valid since Innersound is out of business. In any case, enough time has passed that any warranty on Innersound's products has expired. Therefore, Innersound customers have to pay a modest price to have their equipment serviced by Sanders Sound Systems.

In summary, there have been three distinct companies. There was the original Innersound, Inc., which was owned by Raj Varma. Gary Leeds bought Innersound, Inc., dissolved it, and started a new company called Innersound, LLC. He eventually dissolved that as well.

Roger Sanders started Sanders Sound Systems, LLC. Although Roger worked for both of the Innersound companies, his company (Sanders Sound Systems) is not associated with either of the Innersound companies, both of whom no longer exist.

By having control if his own company, Roger can now operate it as he deems best. For example, he can now offer lifetime warranties and risk-free, 30-day, in-home trials. He also sells both factory direct and through selected dealers.

He makes all the engineering decisions based on performance, instead of on the approval of company owners. And he makes improvements in the design of his equipment when he wishes as technology advances.

Unlike the Innersound companies, Roger handles Sanders' company finances so that there is zero debt, there is cash in the bank, inventory in stock, and overhead costs are extremely low. As a result, Sanders Sound Systems can handle difficult economic times easily, successfully, and with greater security than his larger competitors.

and by the way, Sanders Sound Systems is coming out with a new pre-amp ( which includes both line stage and phono stage preamplifiers). More details to follow as we get closer to release; but you can call Roger at anytime to get the details.

Sanders Sound Systems