Need integrated with LOTS of WATTS

Just bought ATC 7s. Am told they need LOTS of juice. Ideas on integrated at around $1000, or so?
I googled ATC 7, and it looks like the sensitivity is rated for 84dB @ 1W @ 1m. Yeah they are rather inefficient. I used to own Revel M20's with 87dB sensitivity, and they were fine with Classe CAP-151 and Krell 300iL integrated amps. I think you need at least 100W clean power for your speakers, but keep in mind quality is more important than quantity.
Now, any idea what the phase angle data looks like?

And Yes to Jylee. Better watts.....are better!
Yes I would keep that quality watt in mind not the number of watts. Many speakers will require power to sound their best but ban power really sucks. I had 4oowpc Monoblocks to which the olde addage goes if the first one sounds like crap why would you want 399 more of them. There is a rough correlation however between total watt out put and cost which is uppset by very costly low wattage tube amp and relativelively low cost per watt when you talking 1000 of them in the Wyred4Sound products. Emotiva may be a brand that wil give you high quality high quantiy. I don't own one.
My story was going from the big Aragon monoblocks not real slouchers by any means to a 4 X 6CA7 output tube monoblock in Parallel PP on my JM focal Electras the sysnergy was great. The amps are great but undervalued by this comunity. I went further downstream and bout an AES AE-3 preamp and thing got even better. The amps put out 75-80 wpc but the Focal can handle more. This is another point just because thay can doesn't mean they will sound better with more juice. This took a lot of unlearning.
Thus perhaps as has been hinted at already. You may need "only" a good hundred watts. Trust me when I tell you my well known integrated a Jadis DA 60 puts out good watts and seems not to reach its limits yet. I haven't played them lightly with 87-88 Db sensitive speakers. Nor the Opera Consonance Cyber 800 monoblocks with 92-3 Db JM Lam 936s. Both Louder than you want but so wonderfully good. It took a simple but giant step.
I listened to my friend TRELJA who said the sound you want will come from tube power amps only. It bears repeating tube power amps only. I had tried a fine MF 308CR integrated a beastly integrated nope, I tried the Aragon Palladiums first 100 watts class A then bias to 400 A/B then down the impedance pole to a reported 1000 watts. No again. Try a tube preamp. So I did an ARC SP6b rolled tubes, no it had the gain from hell, great phono but yes it had a louder than I liked noise floor.
Then Eureka after 6+ years and a multitude of different systems for other reasons a sentimental Golden Age one for instance, A Klipsch McIntosh one from my long gone high school and college days. He knew me well and we are both closet headbangers, no it's not just chamber music. Why didn't you tell me all along I asked repeatedly. Oh you just weren't going to believe me. See if you can find someone close to guide you.
Vincent integrateds seem to sound pretty good...a friend of mine has one and loves it...150 wpc.
Those are a bit power hungry speakers. I've used the Bel Canto 150w integrated amps with them & it sounded very good!