Why Don't We See More High Current Electronics?

It seems that in looking around for amplifiers and integrated amps that double their power as the impedance is halved (high current), they seem to be in a minority. Is it just more costly to build good-sounding high current electronics and the market demand for them just isn't there, or what?
Another reason that there may not be as many high current electronics as you might think could be that they are only of concern to "audiophiles" looking to max out performance of there system. Most people get by fine with less than industrial strength SS amplifiers in whatever gear they happen to listen to.

It's only the audiophile camp, a small niche itself, that is concerned with things like high current, high efficiency, tube amps, etc.

I will say though that within that niche, tube gear and high efficiency speakers to go along seem to be experiencing a renaissance and cutting into the high current SS amp/lower efficiency speakers domain compared to the recent past, so that would have to have some effect on how much of any particular design one sees.

I think Atmasphere is a big force behind this, at least on this site. He apparently makes some very nice gear, believes strongly in what he does and is a verbal champion of the approach, so kudos to him and the others who have helped breath some life back into the paradigm!
You stated basically that you think the goal of any high end audio system is to have the equipment sound like real music. I think many would agree with this approach. However, given the great variety of recording quality, doesn't this imply that the system will impart some level of coloration to make one's whole collection sound like real music? What do you think of the approach that equipment should be as true or faithful to the recording as possible, ie, as neutral and transparent as possible? Great recordings will sound great but lesser recordings, not as good.
Well, in my experience I haven't come across high current amplifiers that double down and sound anything less than stellar. If an amp cannot double down I'll pass on it...why limit your choice of speakers due to challenging impedance loads and such?
Hack, remember that a high current amp will decrease power into higher loads. There are limitations in either case. Choose your speakers and amplify them appropriately.