Driving Dynaudio Focus 220 IIs


I will probably buy Dynaudio Focus 220 IIs.

I'm also looking at buying an amp. I like the two below because I can use them in either US or Europe (voltage switchable easily) and I can level-match sources.

Linn Majik-I (100 watts into 4 ohms, damping factor > 170)
Arcam A38 (140 watts into 4 ohms, damping factor 30)

I really wish I understood the science better -- I don't know what to look for to match speaker + amp choice.

Any thoughts on this choice? I can't AB compare the amps. Thank you!
I would be picking as high powered amp as possible for use with Dynaudio speakers. I had a set of Audience 42 monitors and they were easily shutting down my 100 watt Creek Destiny after about 1/2 hour of loud playing and this is in a bedroom and I'm not talking crazy loud just your basic loud level. I love Dynaudio speakers and think they are some of the best sound I've heard but they do like some beefy power that is a sure thing.
I have a pair of these on display and use a Class D amp with an output of 75WPC into 8 ohms doubling down to 150WPC into 4 ohms.

It does an excellent job in a mid to large size room.

However, I would not use a smaller amp unless most of your listening is at low to average SPL.

Dealer disclaimer
I would agree that a powerful amp goes a long way with these. Not a requirement by any means, but very helpful IMHO.

I have owned a pair since shortly after they were released (about 2 years now) and have run them with Simaudio W6 monos, Bryston 4B-SST, and a pair of 7B-SST. The 4B couldn't quite cut it (timing, resolution, were not quite up to par compared to the monos). But upgrading to the 7B's made all the difference. The W-6's also sounded killer but not quite as neutral as the 7B's, it would come down to preference in that case. I'm currently using the 7B's. Good luck.