Coda CSIb - what loudspeaker would be perfect?

Hi, I'm considering buying the integrated amp. CODA CSI balanced and I'm wondering what loudspeakers would be a perfect match. Can someone share his/her experience? As my source will be Oppo Digital 95 mod (just waiting for ModWright to work on it.....), such loudspeaker will have to "handle" in addition to classical rock/classical/smooth jazz also audio from video.
Cheers and thank you
The perfect speaker is one that sounds the best to you in your price range. In other words; your quest is backwards. Since the speaker is by far the most colored of all components you must first find a speaker you like and then find an amp that is a good match for driving it.

I agree with Herman.
Try different combinations and choose the one you like the most.
I agree with the others. By all accounts, Coda makes good gear, and that integrated should be very capable of driving most reasonable speakers, so pick one that you like and go with it.