Preamp suggestions

I am looking for a great 2 channel pre with HT bypass for dedicated stereo listening.

My current system:
Bryston 4BSST
Bryston 9BSST (5 channel)
B&W 804S
Rotel RSP-1068 surround processor

I'm looking for recommendations on a dedicated 2 channel pre with great soundstaging and imaging.

I'm open to tubes, solid whatever for $3-5K, new or used. I recently hears a Plinius 9100 in my system and the soundstage and imaging were a huge improvement over the Rotel.

Modwright. Tubed. Accurate. Flexible. Features. USA. Dan gives excellent service.
I've heard great things about the Mystere CA21. Can anyone comment how it stacks up against the Manley Shrimp? I have yet to hear either, but from what I have read, the Manley may wash over the detail somewhat. The Mystere is very minimalist, but gets great reviews.